

The last decade has seen an increasing emphasis on the importance of behavioral, developmental, and social problems in child health. However, demands on faculty have often resulted in less time to train residents in effective methods for managing the often complex combination of psychological and somatic childhood illnesses.

The goal of this project was to develop a standardized, case-based curriculum that covers important topics in the management of medical and psychiatric comorbidity, promotes collaboration between pediatricians and child psychiatrists, optimizes the care of children and their families, and places minimal demands on faculty time and other resources.

With support from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 3 case-based educational modules were written, pilot-tested, and evaluated. Each module consists of a case abstract, statement of goals and objectives, a facilitator’s guide to leading the discussion, a 3 part case narrative, bibliography and teaching handouts. The materials are designed in a manner that allows teaching sessions to be conducted by either faculty or properly prepared trainees. The best way to understand the construction of these cases is to print one, and then use this page to guide you through each section.

Case Studies

Case summaries and complete downloadable case modules can be found in the Case Topics section. From this page you will be able to view an abstract page directly through your browser. The abstract includes the case title and topic, a brief description of the content, and the educational goals and objective. The complete case module is also available via download in PDF format. In order to download the case module, you must register first. Registration is free. If you have previously registered with www.pedicases.org, you may use your username and password to download collaboration essentials case modules.

Downloading Adobe Acrobat
To download the complete case module, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. If you do not already have it, you may download it from here, free of charge:


Facilitators Guide

Each case module begins with a facilitator’s section. This section starts with the abstract page, on which is listed the case title, authors and advisors, and topic covered. A one-paragraph abstract gives facilitators an idea of the importance of the case topic, why the case was written and what content will be covered. Following this is the goal statement for the case, and a list of three to four specific learning objectives. Below this are listed themes, key words, key concepts, materials provided, and suggested facilitator preparation. Step-by-step instructions for teaching the case complete the facilitator’s guide. Prompts for the facilitator (e.g. Distribute Part II of the case narrative) are indicated by bold-face type. Brief discussions of key teaching points are included after each guide question. This guide is intended for use by facilitators (teachers) and not designed to be handed out to learners (students).

Case Narrative

The case narrative is the next section of the module. The narrative and associated handouts are designed for the learners (students). Case narratives are divided into three parts. Part I describes how the patient first presented in the primary care setting and prompts a discussion of the differential diagnosis. Part II presents additional information on further history, physical examination and diagnostic tests and prompts a discussion of treatment possibilities. The third part of the case is the Epilogue, designed to give learners a general idea of the patient’s outcome.


Handouts supply supplemental information to the case narrative and/or summarize key teaching points. Specific suggestions on how handouts should be used are included.


Each case module concludes with a list of references cited.